SPASA Queensland, SPASA South Australia, SPASA Victoria & SPASA Western Australia stand as one in our opposition to the formation of the Swimming Pool & Spa Alliance of Australia.

The four unified State associations advise:

•    No State SPASA will join the NSW “national alliance"

•    The four SPASA State associations will guarantee the SPASA National Member program across our respective States - giving full reciprocal member benefits and rights
•    The four State associations will continue to work together in all ways possible for the maximum benefit of our members and the greater good of industry

Additionally, all four SPASA State associations strongly urge SPASA NSW to abandon the “national alliance” concept, and return to the negotiating table of SPASA Australia Ltd - the legitimate national body.

SPASA Queensland, SPASA South Australia, SPASA Victoria & SPASA Western Australia represent by far the largest proportion of our industry and will stand as one to protect member rights.

For further information or clarification on the above contact the SPASA CEO/Manager in your State.

