Health Benefits of SwimmingA new study that evidences the health and well-being benefits of swimming has just been released. The study has found that:

  • Swimming is uniquely placed to support people throughout their entire life
  • Swimming lowers the risk of early death by 28 per cent
  • Swimming lessons help children to develop skills quicker
  • Swimming and aquatic activity is a safe, cost-effective and viable option for healthcare professionals to signpost patients
  • Call for more research on the impact of physical activity on mental health and long term conditions
The report shows that the unique benefits of water make it the perfect place for people of all ages to exercise, particularly those with long term health conditions.

The report also found evidence that swimmers live longer and regular swimming helps older people stay mentally and physically fit. Importantly, it also showed that participation in swimming lessons can help children to develop physical, cognitive and social skills quicker than those who do not have lessons.

The findings of the report will be used to raise awareness within the health profession that swimming is a safe, cost effective and viable option to signpost patients.

There is also a call on the wider health and sports sector to come together and invest in further research on the impact of physical activity on mental health and long term conditions.

The reports remit was developed by the Swimming and Health Commission under the Chairmanship of Professor Ian Cumming. The Health Education England Chief Executive, said: “The Swimming and Health Commission was established by Swim England to explore the evidence base for the health benefits of swimming.

The resulting academic report is a ground-breaking collection of papers that identify striking and robust evidence for the significant improvements in health and quality of life that swimming produces.

“Swim England is the first sport governing body to support such an in-depth investigation of its relationship with health and wellbeing and I would like to applaud them for their foresight and for producing a piece of work that I am sure will become a reference document for many years to come.”

The full Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Swimming report and Swim England’s response can be accessed HERE.


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