A new proactive plan for the Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia has been developed. Initially the national association was formed to represent the industry on national issues if and when they arose. The platform has changed and the renewed association is focussed on delivering improved member benefits.

 "A fantastic spirit of collaboration exists. All four states have worked tirelessly, holding meetings both in person, and now weekly national phone hook-ups of directors and management. So many exciting initiatives are in play. Every member state has made a financial commitment to an array of exciting proactive initiatives." said national spokesperson, Adrian Hart (and CEO of SPASA Qld).

Governance advisors are finalising the revision to what is a transparent and inclusive Constitution and Policy code. Importantly, majority vote of the four member states will be enshrined in the revised Constitution. SPASA Australia is committed to a fully proactive national association that directly benefits the members of: SPASA Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

New South Wales industry participants will also be given the opportunity to participate. SPASA NSW, trading as the Swimming Pool & Spa Alliance, is no longer a member of SPASA Australia.

"All long-standing National Members have jumped back on board financially for 2013 - and we've heard their message - which is, we want one national body representing the members of all states"

"Importantly we’ve identified several economies of scale that are available to the four state associations - working closer together will save our members dollars"

Actions currently in the pipeline for the national body include;

  • Completion of a new SPASA Australia website,
  • The search for an independent National Manager,
  • The reconfirmation of representational appointments with: Standards Australia, the ACCC, Australian Building Codes Board, CPSISC, Federal Government energy & training stakeholders, etc.
  • A professional Chair & Company Secretary has also been appointed and is overseeing weekly Board meetings and governance.

"Make no mistake, the SPASA brand and our 600+ members across Australia will continue to receive unparalleled member benefits. National Members will continue to have representation that – very importantly - incorporates the interests of the active national industry. A great deal is happening - watch this space" added Hart.



Adrian Hart
SPASA Australia Ltd
Phone: 07 3252 6777
Fax: 07 3252 6700
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

