Chris LindsaySPASA Australia and SPASA Victoria trading as Master Pool Builders Association Australia are pleased to announce that the MPBAA members have voted to merge with SPASA Australia.

MPBAA CEO Chris Samartzis says "We are excited with what the future holds as a unified organisation and we look forward to expanding and delivering greater value to members across Australia. The positive collaboration between the groups over the last few years has led to this important outcome."

A vote was put to the MPBAA members at the general meeting on Wednesday 28 June at the Bruce County Country Hotel in Mount Waverley.

The evening provided information and answered positive and challenging questions from the members who were satisifed to move towards a collaborative and cohesive Association for the Pool and Spa Industry.

"Many thanks to our Directors, staff and members both past and present in supporting this achievement", says SPASA CEO Lindsay McGrath. "We look forward to working together delivering on our mission to Protect, Promote and Grow the Pool and Spa Industry."

MPBAA Members will be both MPBAA and SPASA members for the remainder of the 2023 calendar year with a single membership offering for 2024.

If members want more information please call your local SPASA representative.

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