This year’s SPASA Pool & Spa + Outdoor Living Expo at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre has been the setting for a new World Record.

Australian ultra-marathon swimmer CHLOE McCARDEL successfully set a world-first record by swimming non-stop for 16 hours. Chloé completed her swim in a spa that was 4 metres long by 2 metres wide. Swimming a distance equivalent of one and a half crossings of the English Channel, Chloé swam the race according to regulations set down by the English Channel Swimming Association. The regulations were modified to take into account that she was swimming indoors in a spa.


“I’m so pleased to have been able to set this record in a fashion that shines a different light on the notion of endurance swimming” Chloé said “To complete 16 hours swimming and to finally stand up and see the crowd around me was just awesome”.

Crowds flocked to this year’s SPASA Pool & Spa + Outdoor Living Expo. Even a brief power failure on Saturday couldn’t stop Chloé swimming or the crowds arriving to see why the SPASA Pool & Spa + Outdoor Living Expo is the most popular expo of its kind in Australia.

Brendan Watkins CEO of the Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Victoria said “The huge growth in attendance at this years show demonstrates to us the passion that Victorian’s have for pools and spas and spending as much time outdoors as possible. People want their own backyard oasis - it’s now more attainable than ever before. Exhibitors have reported that sales levels and enquiries is the best they’ve seen in years which is a very encouraging sign for the industry in Victoria”. alt

The Melbourne Pool & Spa + Outdoor Living Expo is the largest event of its kind in Australia attracting around 17,000 visitors over the 3 days. SPASA Victoria hold two shows per year, the next Spa & Pool Show is scheduled for 9 – 10 August 2014.

More on the Swim Spa World Record can be found at:

For more information on Chloé McCardel go to:

For further information or interviews with Chloé McCardel, or with SPASA CEO Brendan Watkins, on the Victoria pool and spa industry - please contact: Lizzie @ Lizzie Joyce Publicity 0408 234 109

Many Thanks to: Leisurescape Spas & The Pool Enclosure Company (TPEC)

To view ABC news coverage on Chloe's swim Click here


To view the full 16 hour swim Click here
