Board Chairman, Manfred Wiesemes today announced the launch of the Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia Ltd (SPASA Australia).

SPASA Australia is the peak body for the swimming pool and spa industry nationally, and brings together the existing state associations under a federal body. It will act as the point of contact between the industry and the Commonwealth Government.SPASA Australia’s mandate is to address important industry and community issues including:

  • Australian Standards and safety
  • Workplace occupational health and safety
  • Water and energy conservation
  • National training and licensing standards

“SPASA Australia will be the industry’s voice nationally, to address issues of national importance,” Mr Wiesemes said.

“This new association-of-associations brings together the SPASA organisations in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. The industry contributes enormously to the national economy, and must be heard.” Mr Wiesemes said.

"SPASA Australia was formed because the industry recognised the need to address safety, environmental and regulatory issues in a coordinated manner. We also recognised that the Commonwealth Government prefers to consult with national peak bodies on regulatory issues".

“We believe that owning a swimming pool or spa is part of the lifestyle that Australians from all walks of life aspire to own and enjoy,” Mr Wiesemes said.

“The backyard pool is one of the most iconic of Australian images, even The Lodge has one.”

“We look forward to working with our stakeholders and regulators to make sure that the Australian dream of owning a pool or spa continues to be part of our lifestyle,” Mr Wiesemes said.



Brendan Watkins, Company Secretary SPASA Australia
P: 03 9501 2040 / E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



