Water Chemistry with SPASAVIC logoSPASAVIC continues to receive queries regarding the safety of swimming pools and whether COVID-19 can be transmitted through swimming pool water.

Chris Samartzis, SPASAVIC CEO advises that “Australian Standard AS 3633-1989: Private swimming pools water quality provides clear direction for the sanitisation of water. Products that contribute to the sanitisation of water are regulated through the APVMA and adhere to world best practice.

Swimming Pools and Spas are required to have balanced water so that pathogens such as e-coli and other known bacteria are killed via the chemical process. The swimming pool and spa industry are leaders in ensuring that the health and wellbeing of the community is always at the forefront of actions taken by industry professionals. Properly sanitised pools and spas are a healthy environment for people to swim in”, said Mr Samartzis.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that there is no evidence this virus can survive in a properly chlorinated and filtered pool. “There is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the use of pools and hot tubs. Proper operation, maintenance and disinfection (eg with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.” (Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/water.html)

Large aquatic centres have had to cease operations due to social gathering guidelines which are prohibited under stage 2 bans as a result of the Federal Government’s restrictions on social gatherings.

SPASAVIC advises anyone who is not feeling well - or is concerned about potential infection - to practice the recommended social distancing guidelines from Government Department of Health and seek assistance from your health professional.
